

A few hasty late night thoughts at the dawn of a new political era:

1. Power analysis is complicated!

Don’t lose sight of trying to “get it right,” even amidst the often necessary urgency of the present.

Consider: Blackrock is a huge company whose investments help drive pollution. But how do you pressure Blackrock from the ground level to pursue a sensible climate investment policy? By pressuring Whitehaven Coal in Australia to refuse Blackrock’s money and Arch Goal in Wyoming and DMCI Holdings in the Phillipines, amongst several others? And — if you do do that — how does that square with the 5,000+ other holdings Blackrock has in companies around the world, let alone another companies that might be pursuing a similar model or a similar strategy?

2. Power isn’t just where your attention is; power is in following through, too.

It took five years for Wesley Bell to become the D.A. in Ferguson. When this happened, the news was a blip in the national conversation. And that could have been different. We could have given that moment the moment it deserved.

To read the rest, go here.

